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The Installed and the Cloud editions include all features. The table below indicates which interface each feature may be found in. If you have any questions about features, please contact us and we would be happy to answer your questions or schedule a live demonstration for you.

Category Feature Desktop Client Web
Training Records Training records include Title, Number, Revision, Release date, Description, Type, Hours, Expiration period and length, Grace period, Status, and Exam requirements. Yes Yes Yes
  Attach any type of document or file to each training record, and allow employees to review the file before taking an exam. Yes Yes Yes
  Set a training to "inactive" to keep the record but exclude it from most screens and reports. Yes Yes Yes
  Select to sort by training title or training number, and all screens and reports will automatically be sorted that way. Yes Yes -
  Designate an Owner or Author for each training record. - Yes Yes
Employee Records Employee records include Employee name, ID number, Phone, Email, Hire date, Job title, Department, Supervisor, Employee type, Shift, and Location. Yes Yes Yes
  Add new job titles, departments, shifts, locations, or employee types as you need them, or by importing them with your employee data. Yes Yes Yes
  Assign multiple job titles to each employee. Yes Yes Yes
  Job title history is saved any time a job title is changed, and can be edited. - Yes Yes
  Link a document or file to each employee record. Yes Yes Yes
  Set the status of an employee to "inactive" to keep the data but not include it in reports. Yes Yes Yes
  Track additional HR information and photo, skills, qualifications, and certificates; view subordinates, and see if employee has completed required training for any selected job title. - Yes -
  Globally update a supervisor and transfer all of their subordinates to a new supervisor at once. - Yes Yes
Assign Required Training Assign required training by job title, department, individual, company-wide, or any combination. You can Assign multiple job titles to each employee, so you can use these to describe any group of employees that needs training. Yes Yes Yes
Exclude individuals from a required training. Yes Yes Yes
Exclude job titles or departments from a required training. - Yes Yes
Exclude from a required training by hire date range. Yes Yes -
  Set up parent/child training so that when the parent is required, all of the children are required. - Yes Yes
  Require a second training after a first training is complete. - Yes Yes
When a new employee is added, the required training is automatically listed based on job titles and department. Yes Yes Yes
Add a Date Started and a Date Due for any employee. Yes Yes -
Status is automatically calculated as needed, scheduled, completed, failed (if an exam is required), or expired. Yes Yes Yes
Notify Employees Send automatic email notices to employees for training due. Yes Yes Yes
  Send automatic email notices and reminder notices for classes scheduled. Yes Yes Yes
  Send automatic email notices to supervisors for training due. Yes Yes Yes
Send automatic email to new employees with their login information. - Yes Yes
Send automatic email notices to a list of recipients. Yes Yes -
Send notices as they become due, or send them monthly. - Yes -
Send an instant email notice when you enroll an employee in a class. - - Yes
Manually send email notices to employees, supervisors, or a list of recipients for training due or scheduled. Yes Yes -
Expiration, Revision, and Re-Training Specify a grace period before training is due. Yes Yes Yes
  Training can be set to expire after a specified number of months or days, or never. Yes Yes Yes
  When completions are entered, the expiration date is automatically calculated. Yes Yes Yes
  When you have a new revision for a training (or document), you may elect to automatically expire all completions from the previous version. Yes Yes Yes
  Import new revisions. Yes Yes Yes
  Revert to a previous revision. Yes Yes -
  You may over-ride the calculated expiration by manually entering an expiration date. Yes Yes Yes
Classes Schedule classes and enroll employees. Yes Yes Yes
Indicate a maximum capacity for each training location to limit enrollment. Yes Yes Yes
Set up approved trainers. Yes Yes -
Allow employees to log in to enroll in classes or cancel enrollment. - - Yes
Schedule multi-day classes. - Yes Yes
Exams Allow employees to take exams electronically, or indicate that they have completed a training and sign the record with an electronic signature. Yes Yes Yes
Allow employees to review a linked document or presentation before taking the exam. Yes Yes Yes
Exams are available 30 days before the training expires. Yes Yes Yes
View completed exams with answers and scores. Yes Yes Yes
Upload training documents to the server and create automatic links. - Yes Yes
Upload an image to display with each question. - - Yes
Track Training Completions Completion records may be added for both required and non-required training. Yes Yes Yes
Enter completion records for groups of employees all at once. Yes Yes Yes
Print class sign-in sheets with barcodes and scan the barcodes to easily record completions. Yes Yes -
Retain training history when an employee completes a training multiple times over the years. Yes Yes Yes
Attach a document or file to each training completion record. Yes Yes Yes
Completions are automatically recorded when employees pass online exams. Yes Yes Yes
Metrics and Reports View the status of all employees required to complete each training. Yes Yes Yes
Print a variety of standard reports. Yes Yes Yes
Use filters to create custom reports. Yes Yes Yes
Filter reports for any criteria from multiple fields at once. (for example, all training completed in May by employees in the IT department or with job title containing "Manager"). Yes Yes -
Print individual certificates of completion, or print them for an entire class. Yes Yes -
Print over 60 standard reports featuring your own logo. Yes Yes -
  Print all reports on Letter or A4 paper. Yes Yes -
Import and Export Import data from another program or file using the Excel® templates. New records will be added, and existing records will be updated with new information. Yes Yes Yes
When you import records, new items for look-up lists (such as job title or department) will be automatically added to those lists. Yes Yes Yes
Export data to Excel® or other standard file formats, or send it as an email attachment. Yes Yes Yes
  Set up automatic imports (requires scheduling a job through SQL Server). - Yes Yes
  View imported records for confirmation. Yes Yes -
User Access Levels Assign read-and-edit, read-only, or limited access to users. Yes Yes Yes
  Limit users to only view/edit employees from one department. - Yes -
  Limit users to only view/edit their subordinates. - Yes Yes
Set the default login name and password configuration for new employees. - Yes Yes
An Exam-level user is automatically created when you add a new employee, and the user is locked out if you deactivate or delete the employee. Exam-level users do NOT require their own user license. - Yes Yes
Users are authenticated using their Windows® login, or a user name and encrypted password. Yes Yes Yes
Sort, Search, and Edit Data Sort, search, or filter records on any screen by any field. Yes Yes Yes
  Edit lists for drop-down menus. Yes Yes Yes
  Records are locked from accidental editing and data entry validation helps prevent errors and duplicates. Yes Yes Yes
  Click on a field to open the related record. For example, when looking at an employee record, click a training title to open. From the training screen, click an employee name to open. Yes Yes Yes
  Form validation to prevent errors and duplicate records. Yes Yes Yes
  Select which records show on the Training Detail and Employee Detail screens by default. Yes Yes -
Audit Trail and Electronic Signatures Restore accidentally deleted training or employee records with all related records still intact. Yes Yes Yes
  An audit trail tracks all record changes and user logins. - Yes Yes
Electronic signatures and compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11. - Yes Yes
Validation documents available (purchased separately). - Yes Yes
Support Support is available via support tickets, knowledge base, tutorials, free online training, email and phone for all licensed users. Yes Yes Yes
Customizable We can customize TRAIN TRACK® for you, or you may customize it yourself with the customizable license. Provides access to all program code and design views of all objects. Yes Yes Yes