Import Error "... can't find field text27 referred to in your expression"

Q: I am trying to import records into the Client interface but I am getting the error "TRAIN TRACK can't find the field 'Text27" referred to in your expression."

A: Here are a few situations that may cause this error:

1. You may be trying to import more characters into a field than the field allows. Try importing a single record with short test data and see if this works. If so, please contact us for help determining which field is causing the error.

2. Your template may have been reformatted into a format unrecognizable to TRAIN TRACK while copy/pasting from another source. Please check the format of your date and number fields by right-clicking on the column header and selecting "Format Cells". 

If you are still getting an error, please send us a copy of your spreadsheet and we will help you determine what the cause is. For security purposes, it is fine to send a sheet with sensitive information removed, as long as we have an example of the type of data you are trying to import.