Completions for Unassigned Training

Q: Can I record completions for unassigned training?   

A: Yes, you may record training completions for training that is not assigned as required. To do so, please follow these steps:

1. Open the Training Detail screen for the training you wish to mark complete.
2. Set the view to Show: "Completions > History/Edit" (or "Completions > All Records", depending on your version).
3. Scroll to the bottom of the completion list and select the employee. Fill in other fields as needed. Click to a new line to save (in version 10, at the bottom of your screen, select "Add Individual Completions", fill in the fields, and click the "Add" button).  

Note that to view completions for training that is unassigned (not required), you need to select to show 
"Completions > History/Edit" (or "Completions > All Records", depending on your version). If you select to view "Status", only training that is currently required will be displayed. Reports that include "status" in the title will also only show required training.