Edit Completion Records

Q: I am unable to edit the completion records I see on the screen.

A: Some of the screens allow you to edit, and some do not. From the Desktop interface (with the navigation pane on the left), please follow these steps:

1. From the navigation pane on the left, select "Training List".
2. Locate the training you wish to edit and double-click on the title. The detail screen will open.
3. In the middle of the screen you should see a drop-down menu next to "Select records to show" or "Show", depending on your version.
4. From the drop-down menu, select "Completions > All Records" or "Completions > History (edit)" depending on your version.
5. Locate the completion record and edit.

To edit completion records in the Web interface (with the menu bar across the top), please follow these steps:

1. From the menu bar, click "Training".
2. Locate the training you wish to edit and click on the title to open the detail screen.
3. From the tabs in the lower section of the screen, select "Completions" or "History".
4. Click on the completion date to open the edit screen.
5. Edit the record and click "Save" or "Save Changes".