Edit or Delete Completions in the Web

Q: How do I edit or delete a completion record from the web interface?

A: To EDIT a completion record after it has been entered please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Training Detail screen for the desired training.
  2. Select the "Complete" tab.
  3. In the "Complete" column, click on the blue completion date that you wish to edit.
  4. The Training Completion Detail screen will open.
  5. Edit the date in the "Date Complete" field. Edit other fields as needed.
  6. Click the bronze "Save Changes" button (note that digitally signed records may not be edited).

To DELETE a completion record after it has been entered please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Training Detail screen for the desired training.
  2. Select the "Complete" tab.
  3. In the "Complete" column, click on the blue completion date that you wish to edit.
  4. The Training Completion Detail screen will open.
  5. Click the "Delete this record" link.
  6. Confirm the deletion by clicking the bronze "Delete" button.