Articles in this category When I log on, I can only get to the exam screen Q: When I log on, a box opens asking me for a password. If I put in a password, the exam screen opens. I'm an administrator and should see the main menu. How do I get to the main menu? A: If you are being... (336) User lockout Q: Does TRAIN TRACK lockout users after a number of failed login attempts? A: The system does not lock the account, it only alerts the administrator of the attempts. Since the user has to already be logged in ... (304) Timeout Q: Does the software automatically log a user off after a preset number of minutes of inactivity? If so, what is the threshold? A: Yes, for the desktop interface, the program timeout can be set from within TRAI... (314) Set the timeout length in the web edition Q: How do I adjust the length of time before I have to log in again using the web edition? A: The timeout length can be set on your server, through IIS, or it can be set using a "global.asa" file. Ch... (279) Operation not allowed when object is closed Q: When we try to log in to the Web interface, we get the error, "Operation not allowed when object is closed".A: This may occur if you do not have any users set up for the Web application. Try a... (366) Logins Created with Email but Employees don't have Email Q: When I add a new employee, TRAIN TRACK automatically adds a new user for that employee, with the email address as the login name. However, some of my employees do not have an email address and I want to use ... (358) It doesn't ask for a password. How does it log me in? Q: It doesn't ask for a password. How does it log me in? A: TRAIN TRACK® Desktop interface authenticates users through your Windows® login. TRAIN TRACK (373) Failed login alerts Q: Does TRAIN TRACK® have a mechanism for capturing failed login attempts? If so, please provide more information on this and are there alerts generated? A: From the Desktop interface, after three failed login ... (328) Can't log in to the web application Q: I can't log in to the web application. But instead of being re-directed to the failed login page, I'm re-directed to a "restricted" page. A: This can happen if your web browser security se... (275) After login it says I don't have access to the page Q: After I log in to the Web interface, I can only see a message that says I don't have access to the page and asks me to log in again. A: Try using a different web browser. If you are then asked to re-set your... (340) 500 Error after login Q: When I log in to the web application, enter my password, and click "confirm", I get a 500 error.A: This may be caused by having an email address or user name of more than 50 characters.Another possible cause... (887) Can't Log In as Administrator Q: When I open the Client interface, I just get the box to log in as an Exam user, but I am listed as an Administrator under "Edit Users". A: If you have checked that the user name is listed under "Edit Users"... (300) Web interface requires logging in twice Q: I am trying to log into the web interface but every time I enter my credentials and try logging in, I am taken to the same login page and have to re-enter my information. After the second time, I am able to ... (278) Type mismatch error in Client and Varchar error in Web Q: I am getting a "Type Mismatch" error when opening the Client interface and a "Varchar" error when logging in to Web. A: This is likely caused because an invalid subscription code was entered. If you are not... (307)