Articles in this category SQL Server Driver Download Q: I am getting the error "Server does not exist or access denied" when I try to connect to the database. A: This could be caused by a number of iss (291) Set up ODBC without using Linked Table Manager Q: How do I set up an ODBC connection outside TRAIN TRACK? I am unable to open the Linked Table Manager from inside Microsoft® Access®.A: To set up an ODBC connection, please follow these steps: (1528) Connect to a Live and a Test Database Q: How can I connect my user interface to both the test database and the live database? A: To allow a user to connect to two separate back-end databases, you need to set up two separate ODBC connections and the... (341) Object not Found Q: I am installing the TRAIN TRACK interface on an additional workstation but can't connect to the database. I keep getting "Object not Fou (296) Seeing different data Q: When one user opens TRAIN TRACK, they do not see the same data as another user. A: The users might not both be opening the same database. To verify, enter a test record from one workstation and make sure yo... (325) ODBC Connection Failed SQL State 08001 Q: After successfully creating the TRAINTRACK database in SQL and double checking that all installation steps in the documentation were completed, the client computer is still unable to connect to the Server. W... (6070) Can't Find dbo.FilterTrainingDeleted Q: When I open the client, I get a message that it can't find the table "dbo.FilterTrainingDeleted". A: This may be caused by the interface not being the same version as the database. Check to see if that view ... (303) Can't Connect to Server - Untrusted Source Q: I set up my ODBC to use SQL authentication, but when I open TRAIN TRACK I get an error that the login is from an untrusted source. A: Click cancel, and a SQL login box should open. Un-check "trusted l... (412) Architecture mismatch Q: When trying to connect the client to the server, there is an error message with "Architecture mismatch". A: An error message with "Architecture mismatch" means the 64 bit ODBC tool was used instead of the ... (318) "#Name?" appears on screen Q: After updating my program, I am seeing #Name? on one of my screens.A: Run the linked table manager to re-link your data tables after updating to a new version. Click on the Database Administration tab and... (383) Open Form Action was Canceled Q: When I try to open the client interface, I get a message that the Open Form action was canceled. A: This is likely happening for one of two reasons: (1) an ODBC connection has not been set up from the works... (9588) Open Form Action Canceled Q: I am trying to install TRAIN TRACK. When I launch the program, I get an "Open Form Action was canceled" error. If I click OK and then click "Linked Table Manager," nothing happens. Even though I am using th... (357) Can't See Employee or Training Records Q: I know there are employee and training records in the database, but I can't see them through the user interface. If I try to add a new one, it just shows #deleted# in all of the fields. I am logging in to t... (395) ODBC runs successfully but Client does not connect - connection failed error Q: I have gone through the ODBC connection steps and the test ran successfully but when I open the Client interface, I get a connection to TTxxxxxx failed to connect error. A: When setting up ODBC, please make... (241) SSL Security Error (479)