Disable friendly error messages

Q: How do I disable friendly error messages?

Thank you for contacting Liberty Labs, LLC. We understand you are having an issue with your TRAIN TRACK web application and want to help you get this resolved as quickly as possible.

In order to diagnose your issue, we need to disable friendly error messages at the server level. please follow these steps:

1. Open the IIS Manager on your web server.
2. In the tree at the left, select your TRAIN TRACK site.
3. In the center panel, double click on Error Pages.
4. In the right panel under "Actions", select Edit Feature Settings.
5. Make sure that Detailed errors is selected.
6. Click OK.
7. Now, in the IIS main menu, double-click on ASP.
8. Expand the Debugging Properties menu and set 'send errors to Browser' to TRUE.
9. Now, in your web browser, go to Internet Options.
10. Select the Advanced tab.
11. Under the Browsing section, UN-check Show friendly HTTP error messages.

Navigate to the web page that produced the 500 error, and you should see three lines of code instead of a generic 500 error. Please make note, or take a screenshot of this code, including the web address, and send to

Please let us know if you have any questions.