Articles in this category Password Requirements Q: Do passwords require mixed case? What characters must or must not passwords contain? A: No. Passwords may contain any characters or numbers. Research indicates that password length provides better security ... (337) Password length Q: Do passwords have a minimum and/or maximum length requirement? A: Previous versions required a minimum of 6 characters. The current version has a minimum of 8 characters, and a maximum of 15.Tags: password... (344) Re-use passwords Q: Does the software permit users to re-use old passwords? A: In version 10 or earlier they can, but starting in version 11, they will not be able to re-use any old passwords.Tags: Re-use passwords, reuse pas... (310) Password Expiration Q: Do passwords expire after a set number of days? If so, what is the threshold? A: Yes, for the desktop application, you may set the expiration period. The web application is set to expire after 120 days.Tag... (313) Password expiration notice Q: Does the system notify users when their password is about to expire? If so, by what means, email, alert box at time of login, etc.? A: Users are notified by an alert box at the time of login.Tags: Password... (282) Passwords for employees to take exams Q: How do I set passwords for employees to take exams? A: Most users who are taking exams will be using the Web interface (that you open using a web browser). If they have been added as an employee in your dat... (363) Reset a Password for Web Q: How do I reset passwords? A: To reset a password for a user: 1. Open the Web interface (321) I can log in with my password but not sign exams Q: I am able to log in, but my password is not accepted to sign an exam, or to reset my password. A: Try deleting the user from the Desktop interface and re-adding it through the Web interface.Tags: Login, pa... (305) Reset Password Error - Authentication Failed Q: One of the users is trying to reset a password but is getting the error, "535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: authentication failure". A: The email server must not be set up, or it was set up in... (794) Reset password produces a 404 error Q: When a user forgets their password and clicks the "reset password" link, they get an email and they click on the link in the email. However, after they type in a new password, they get a 404 page not found ... (307) Reset Password Error - Invalid use of Null Q: When I try to reset my password from the Web interface, I get the error, "Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e' Invalid use of Null: 'cStr' /aspmailresetpswd.asp, line 84." A: This happens when y... (432) Reset Password Error - Value of the Wrong Type Q: I am an Administrator and I am trying to reset a password for an Exam-level user, but I am getting the error "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation. /XXXXXXX/user_edit_pswd.asp... (333) Resetting password on each login Q: Users are asked to reset their password each time they log in. A: There may be duplicate user records that existed prior to the web application. Verify that the data table does not have duplicate user recor... (324) Forgot Password Error Q: When I click the "Forgot Password" link, I get the following error: "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record." and I do not receive an... (312) Error when resetting password via email link - "The parameterized query '(@P1 ..." Q: I am trying to reset my password using the link provided in the "Forgot Password" email. When I click the link, I get the error message: "The parameterized query '(@p1 varcahr (200), @P2 varchar (200)) SELE... (227)