Articles in this category Import into Desktop app - Video Q: How do I import data from Excel into the Desktop app? A: Please watch this video to see how to import completion records: (387) How to import completions into Client or Desktop Interface To import completion records into the Client/Desktop interface: 1. Name the Excel file you wish to import from – ex: For_Import (19) Import records from Excel into the Desktop or Client Edition Q: How do I import records from Excel into the Desktop or the Client/Server Edition? A: To import employee records: From any screen, click Import Data from the navigation pane on the left. The Import screen... (335) Delete All Verification Records Q: When I try to delete all verification records after importing, I get an error message that states, "The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Single... (380) Templates for Importing from Excel Here are the templates for importing data into the Desktop interface.- Please leave the columns in order.- If you don't have data for a column, just leave it blank.- Import Employe (377) Import Error "TRAIN TRACK was unable to append all the data to the table" Q: I am trying to import records but I am getting an error "TRAIN TRACK was unable to append all the data to the table" A: Please check if one of the employees/training records you are trying to import is on y... (317)