How do I Add a Training Record?

You may add training records by importing them, or manually adding them.

To manually add a training record, follow these steps

Tutorial: Add a Training
Step Illustration
1. From any screen, click Training List from the navigation pane on the left.
2. The Training List screen will open. Click Add New Training from the ribbon.
3. A new (blank) record will open. Type in a Training Title. Training Title is a required field.

4. Type in a unique Training Number.

This number will be used to identify the specific training. You may use numbers, letters, dashes and underscores. It is a required field; the program will assign a number if you do not type one in.

5. Type in a Revision.

The revision will be used to track your new version releases. It is a required field, and will default to zero if you do not enter a revision.

6. Type in a Description.

7. Select a Release Date.

If you click on the calendar icon, you can select the date from the calendar. When you have a new revision, the release date will be used to determine expiration dates for old versions.

8. Selct the Status.

If you set a training to "Inactive", you can keep it in the database, but it will not be included on screens or reports (except the history report).

9. Select the training Type.

You may select a Type from your list, or enter a new Type into the field.

10. If the training is specific for one location, select the Location. Leave it set to "All" for all locations.

If you assign a training to one location, then only users assigned to the same location, or "all" locations, may view it, and only employees assigned to the same location may be required to complete it.

11. Enter the Grace Period.

The Grace Period is the number of days after hire or after a new revision that employees have to complete the training.

12. Type in the number of Hours required to complete the training. You may use whole numbers or decimals.
13. To link a document or file to the training, right-click on the Link field and select Edit Hyperlink. Enter or browse to the Address, and click OK. Employees will be able to view the document before taking an online exam. NOTE: The file or document needs to be in a shared location that all users have access to.

14. In the Expires In field, select to expire the training in days or months, and enter the number of days or months.

This is the amount of time after the training is completed until the training expires and employees need to be re-trained. If the training does not expire, leave the number blank.

15. Select the radio button Yes if the training is Required for All Employees.

You will not need to add any additional requirements, and it will automatically be required for all employees.