Move database to a new server

Q: How do I move my database to a new server?

A: A quick guide to moving your database to a new server. More comprehensive installation instructions are included with your purchase.

Install and configure SQL on your new server as per the TRAIN TRACK installation instructions.

Back up your current database on the previous server:

  1. Open SQL Management Studio and find your database in the navigation panel on the left.
  2. Right click on the name of your database, chose Tasks and then Backup.
  3. In the pop up window, use the default destination folder and name (usually something like, C: Program Files\ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSQL12.MSSLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\filename.bak)
  4. Move the filename.bak backup file to a location accessible from the new server.

To restore a SQL Server database on the new server from a back-up, please follow these steps:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on the new server.
  2. Locate the database you want to restore in the tree at the left (or create a new database by right-clicking on "Databases" and selecting "New").
  3. Right-click on the database and select "Tasks > Restore > Database".
  4. Uncheck the "Database" radio button and select "Device".
  5. Click the elipse (...) button. In the pop-up window, select "ADD" to browse to your .bak file. Click "OK"
  6. In the "Destination" section, update the database name to the name of the database you are restoring to (double-check this step as it may revert to the original database name).
  7. Under "Select a Page", choose "Options" and be sure that "Overwrite the existing database/REPLACE" is checked.
  8. Uncheck "Tail-Log Backup" if it is checked.
  9. Click "OK" and the database should restore in under a minute.
  10. If the file fails to restore, click on the error message for the reason and correct the specified setting.

Add your TRAIN TRACK users or active directory group and assign them the correct permissions as per the TRAIN TRACK installation instructions.