I get a message that the tables need to be refreshed

Q: When I open TRAIN TRACK, I see a message that the tables need to be refreshed.

A: Your ODBC or DSN-Less connection may need to be refreshed.


To refresh using an ODBC connection, please follow these steps:

1. Launch TRAIN TRACK®. When the pop-up message appears, click on the "Linked Table Manager" button.
At the bottom of the pop-up window, check the "Always prompt for new location" box.
3. Click "Select All".
4. Click "OK". In the pop up window, select the ˜Machine Data Source" tab and choose your data source. Note that if you installed with the default, the DSN will be called TTSERV.
5. Click "OK". You should receive a message saying, "All selected linked tables were successfully refreshed."
6. Close and re-open TRAIN TRACK®.


To refresh using a DSN-less connection, please follow these steps:

1. Launch TRAIN TRACK®. When the pop-up message appears, click on the "Refresh Tables" button.
2. Enter the name of your server and the name of your database. Note that if you installed with the default, the database will be called TRAINTRACK. 
3. Click "OK". You should receive a message saying, "All selected linked tables were successfully refreshed."
4. Close and re-open TRAIN TRACK®.