Edit or Delete Completions in the Web
Q: How do I edit or delete a completion record from the web interface?
A: To EDIT a completion record after it has been entered please follow these steps:
- Go to the Training Detail screen for the desired training.
- Select the "Complete" tab.
- In the "Complete" column, click on the blue completion date that you wish to edit.
- The Training Completion Detail screen will open.
- Edit the date in the "Date Complete" field. Edit other fields as needed.
- Click the bronze "Save Changes" button (note that digitally signed records may not be edited).
To DELETE a completion record after it has been entered please follow these steps:
- Go to the Training Detail screen for the desired training.
- Select the "Complete" tab.
- In the "Complete" column, click on the blue completion date that you wish to edit.
- The Training Completion Detail screen will open.
- Click the "Delete this record" link.
- Confirm the deletion by clicking the bronze "Delete" button.