Web Application Unable to Connect to Database
Q: My web application is unable to connect to the database. I can get to the login page but can't log in.
A: Here are some troubleshooting steps. The installation instructions have more information about each item:
1. Try using a DSN-less connection string: "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=YOURSERVER;Initial Catalog=TRAINTRACK;User Id=ttuser;Password=YOURPASSWORD;". Make sure the data matches the user in your SQL server.
In SQL Server Management Studio:
1. Confirm that under properties, Allow Remote Connections and SQL and Windows Authentication Mode are both checked.
2. Confirm that a new user, TTUSER, has been added with SQL authentication and that enforce password protection has been disabled for this user. Double check that the user has been granted datareader/datawriter access to your TRAIN TRACK database.
3. Confirm that the IUSR account has been added and has datareader/datawriter access to your TRAIN TRACK database.
In IIS Manager:
1. Confirm that ASP and ISAPI have been added as features in IIS.
2. Confirm that the TTUSER, IUSER and TRAIN TRACK user group have full permission for the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TRAINTRACK\Uploads folder.
3. Confirm that the TRAIN TRACK application pool is set to ClassicAsp with .netCLEARv4 selected (unless you are using windows 7 in which case use v2).
4. Under Advanced Settings for the application pool, confirm that 32 bit applications has been enabled by setting the default to True.
5. Under Advanced Settings for the TRAIN TRACK website, confirm asp has been added to Enabled Protocols (http, asp).
If you are using ODBC:
1. Confirm that a 32bit, system (not user) ODBC exists on the server and is named "TTSERV"(if there is no 32 bit driver option in Administrative Tools, use the one located in the SysWOW64 folder.).
2. Verify that the connection string in the connections folder matches the ODBC settings.
1. Confirm that all web pages, files and folders gave been added to the TRAINTRACK folder on the server in C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
2. In Windows Server Configuration Manager, please confirm the following roles/features have been added: ASP and ISAPI extensions and that TCP/IP and named pipes are enabled for the 32 bit SQL driver.
If all data was entered as per the defaults in the Installation Instructions, your TRAIN TRACK website will be available on the server at http://localhost/login.asp. To reach the website from another computer on your local intranet, you may substitute "localhost" with the IP address of the server itself and add "traintrack." For instance, you may use http://ipaddress/traintrack/login.asp.
If the website itself has an error, try binding to the IP address instead of the name.
A: Here are some troubleshooting steps. The installation instructions have more information about each item:
1. Try using a DSN-less connection string: "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=YOURSERVER;Initial Catalog=TRAINTRACK;User Id=ttuser;Password=YOURPASSWORD;". Make sure the data matches the user in your SQL server.
In SQL Server Management Studio:
1. Confirm that under properties, Allow Remote Connections and SQL and Windows Authentication Mode are both checked.
2. Confirm that a new user, TTUSER, has been added with SQL authentication and that enforce password protection has been disabled for this user. Double check that the user has been granted datareader/datawriter access to your TRAIN TRACK database.
3. Confirm that the IUSR account has been added and has datareader/datawriter access to your TRAIN TRACK database.
In IIS Manager:
1. Confirm that ASP and ISAPI have been added as features in IIS.
2. Confirm that the TTUSER, IUSER and TRAIN TRACK user group have full permission for the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TRAINTRACK\Uploads folder.
3. Confirm that the TRAIN TRACK application pool is set to ClassicAsp with .netCLEARv4 selected (unless you are using windows 7 in which case use v2).
4. Under Advanced Settings for the application pool, confirm that 32 bit applications has been enabled by setting the default to True.
5. Under Advanced Settings for the TRAIN TRACK website, confirm asp has been added to Enabled Protocols (http, asp).
If you are using ODBC:
1. Confirm that a 32bit, system (not user) ODBC exists on the server and is named "TTSERV"(if there is no 32 bit driver option in Administrative Tools, use the one located in the SysWOW64 folder.).
2. Verify that the connection string in the connections folder matches the ODBC settings.
1. Confirm that all web pages, files and folders gave been added to the TRAINTRACK folder on the server in C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
2. In Windows Server Configuration Manager, please confirm the following roles/features have been added: ASP and ISAPI extensions and that TCP/IP and named pipes are enabled for the 32 bit SQL driver.
If all data was entered as per the defaults in the Installation Instructions, your TRAIN TRACK website will be available on the server at http://localhost/login.asp. To reach the website from another computer on your local intranet, you may substitute "localhost" with the IP address of the server itself and add "traintrack." For instance, you may use http://ipaddress/traintrack/login.asp.
If the website itself has an error, try binding to the IP address instead of the name.