Users assigned to view subordinates can't see their own data.

Q: If I assign a user to only be able to view subordinates, then that user cannot see her own records.

A: The supervisor will be able to see her own records, but they are not listed in the same place with the subordinate records because most organizations do not want the supervisor to be able to edit her own records, just those of her subordinates. She may view and edit subordinates' records from the standard screens. She may also generate reports that include just her subordinates. To view (but not edit) her own records, she may open the same screen any employee would to view their status, take exams, or sign up for classes (depending on the interface you are using).

From the Desktop or Client interface, from the navigation pane at the left, select "View Exam Screen", and there you will find the options to view your status and take exams. 

From the Web interface, from the menu bar at the top of the screen, select "My Training". There you will find options to view your status, take exams, and enroll in classes.