Overview of Email Notices from the Desktop or Client
A: Here is a guide to email notices in the TRAIN TRACK Desktop interface.
There are two basic ways that email notices may be sent:
- Manual Email Notices (a user selects the notices to send and they are sent immediately)
- Automatic Email Notices (notices are scheduled to go out automatically when TRAIN TRACK is in use)
Using Manual Email Notices
These four options allow a user to manually send a notice of training due in the next 90 days to various recipients. Training that is currently listed as needed, failed, or that will be expired within the 90-day window will be included. The report is automatically generated and attached to a pre-formatted email. (Note: any training that was already due in the past, and not completed, is still considered to be due now and will be included in the manual email notices.)
- Training Due to Supervisors: Sends an email to one specified supervisor, or to all supervisors, showing all training due by their subordinates.
- Training Due to Employees: Sends an email to one specified employee, or to all employees, showing their own training due.
- Training Due to a list of Recipients: Sends an email to a list of recipients showing all training due.
- Scheduled Training to Employees: Sends a reminder email to one selected employee or all employees who have been scheduled for a class. Unlike the previous 3 options, it only refers to employees who have been assigned to a scheduled class. The email contains the date, location, time and instructor name of the class.
Using Automatic Email Notices
Configuring automatic email allows notices to be sent automatically. For each type of email, you can select to send to employees, supervisors, a list of recipients, or any combination.
- Training Due: Sends an email to each recipient showing all training due within the specified number of days. Notices are repeated after the specified number of days.
- Training scheduled: Sends an email to each recipient showing training scheduled.
- Reminder of Training Scheduled: Sends an email to each recipient showing training scheduled within the specified number of days.
- Monthly Notices of Training Due: Sends an email to each recipient showing training due. Notices are sent on the specified day of the month rather than as they become due.
Tags: Email, auto email, automatic email, email notices, email notifications.