How do I set up Automatic Email?

TRAIN TRACK® may be configured to automatically send email notices using an SMTP mail server. TRAIN TRACK® can send notices of training that will expire within a specified number of days, notices of scheduled training as soon as it is scheduled, and reminders of training scheduled within a specified number of days. Notices may be sent daily or monthly. You may choose to send notices to employees, supervisors, a list of recipients, or any combination.

To set up automatic email notices, follow these steps:

  1. From the Ribbon, Export/Email tab, click configure automatic email.

  2. Enter the name of your Outgoing SMTP Mail Server (this will be unique for your organization. Please check with your IT representative for help).
  3. Enter your mail account Login Name and Password.
  4. Enter the Mail From Address. This will be the email address that you entered the login name and password for above. This is the address notices will be sent from.
  5. Enter the Send Alerts to Address to send email alerts to when there are failed login attempts.
  6. Enter your Server Port.
  7. Select if your server requires Authentication.
  8. Check SSL if your server requires it.
  9. Click Send Test Message. You will see a confirmation that the email was sent. Check your email for the test message to confirm that your settings are correct.


Automatic Email Notices of Training Due

Email notices will be sent for each required training that is needed, will expire within the number of days specified, or has a due date within the number of days specified. If the training has a due date later than the number of days specified, it will not be included. Notices will only be sent if there is a valid email address for the employee or the supervisor.

One email will be sent to each individual on the list, with all training due listed in an attached report. The report includes the training title and number, completion status, latest completion date, expiration date, and due date (if there is a due date).

To automatically send notices of training due, follow these steps:

  1. From the Configure Mail Server screen, select the "Due Notices" tab.
  2. Enter the number of calendar Days in advance to send the notices, and the number of calendar days later to Repeat the notice if the training has not been completed.

  3. If you want to send the notices to employees, check Send to Employees.

  4. If you want to send notices to supervisors, check Send to Supervisors.

  5. If you want to send notices to a list of recipients, check Send to a List of Recipients, and type in the email addresses.

  6. Enter the Message text.

  7. Your notices will be sent when the program is in use and there are records that fall within the criteria you selected.

To view the records generated, click "View Records Generated". A screen will open to display all of the records that fall within the criteria for notices to be sent. However, this list will not be an exact match for the number of actual email notices which will be sent, because more than one training may be included in each email. Please contact Liberty Labs, LLC if you need help setting up your email notices.

To send notices now, click "Send Notices Now". If you do not send them now, they will be automatically sent each day when TRAIN TRACK® is in use.

Automatic Email Notices of Training Scheduled

Email notices will be sent for each scheduled class, as soon as the employee is enrolled. Notices will only be sent if there is a valid email address for the employee or the supervisor.

One email will be sent to each individual on the list, with all training scheduled listed in an attached report. The report includes the training title and number, class date and time, class location, and instructor.

Note: the steps are similar to those illustrated above.

To automatically send notices of training scheduled, follow these steps:

  1. From the Configure Mail Server screen, select the "Scheduled Notices" tab.
  2. Check each box for the type of notices you want sent. If you are sending to a list of recipients, type in the email addresses.
  3. Enter the message text.

To view the records generated, click "View Records Generated". A screen will open to display all of the records that fall within the criteria for notices to be sent. However, this list will not be an exact match for the number of actual email notices which will be sent, because more than one training may be included in each email. Please contact Liberty Labs, LLC if you need help setting up your email notices.

To send notices now, click "Send Notices Now". If you do not send them now, they will be automatically sent each day when TRAIN TRACK® is in use.


Automatic Email Reminder Notices of Scheduled Training

Email notices will be sent for each required training that is scheduled within the number of days specified. Notices will only be sent if there is a valid email address for the employee or the supervisor.

One email will be sent to each individual on the list, with all training scheduled listed in an attached report. The report includes the training title and number, class date and time, class location, and instructor.

Note: the steps are similar to those illustrated above.

To automatically send reminder notices of scheduled training, follow these steps:

  1. From the Configure Mail Server screen, select the "Scheduled Reminders" tab.
  2. Enter the number of calendar Days in advance to send the notices.
  3. Check each box for the type of notices you want sent. If you are sending to a list of recipients, type in the email addresses.
  4. Enter the message text.

To view the records generated, click "View Records Generated". A screen will open to display all of the records that fall within the criteria for notices to be sent. However, this list will not be an exact match for the number of actual email notices which will be sent, because more than one training may be included in each email. Please contact Liberty Labs, LLC if you need help setting up your email notices.

To send notices now, click "Send Notices Now". If you do not send them now, they will be automatically sent each day when TRAIN TRACK® is in use.


Automatic Email Monthly Notices

If you wish to send the training due notices out all on one day instead of as they become due, you may select to send monthly notices. If you select to send monthly notices, do not select to send notices of training due as described above.

Email notices will be sent for each required training that is needed, will expire within 31 days, or has a due date within 31 days. If the training has a due date later than 31 days from now, it will not be included. Notices will only be sent if there is a valid email address for the employee or the supervisor.

One email will be sent to each individual on the list, with all training due listed in an attached report. The report includes the training title and number, completion status, latest completion date, expiration date, and due date (if there is a due date).

Note: the steps are similar to those illustrated above.

To automatically send notices of training due on a specific day each month, follow these steps:

  1. From the Configure Mail Server screen, select the "Monthly Notices" tab.
  2. Enter the Day of the month you wish to send the notices.
  3. Check each box for the type of notices you want sent. If you are sending to a list of recipients, type in the email addresses.
  4. Enter the message text.

To view the records generated, click "View Records Generated". A screen will open to display all of the records that fall within the criteria for notices to be sent. However, this list will not be an exact match for the number of actual email notices which will be sent, because more than one training may be included in each email. Please contact Liberty Labs, LLC if you need help setting up your email notices.

To send notices now, click "Send Notices Now". If you do not send them now, they will be automatically sent on the specified day when TRAIN TRACK® is in use. If you do not open TRAIN TRACK® on the specified day, they will be sent the next time TRAIN TRACK® is opened.


Automatic Email Notices to New Employees

You may send an automatic email notice to new employees with the login link and their user name and temporary password. Notices will only be sent to employees with a start date within the last 30 days who still have a temporary password (meaning they have not yet logged in) and have not previously received a notice.

To automatically send notices to new employees, follow these steps:

  1. From the Configure Mail Server screen, select the "New Employees" tab.
  2. Check each box indicating that notices should be sent.
  3. Enter the message text.
  4. Paste in the link to your Web interface for TRAIN TRACK®.