How do I Limit Required Training or Grant Exceptions?
You may limit training requirements in a variety of ways. For example, you may require the training for one department, but make an exception for an individual employee who is in that department, but does not need the training. Or, you may make a training required for all employees, then limit the requirement by hire date range so that only those hired before or after a specific date need to complete it.
Requirements may be limited by:
Note: Exceptions do not apply to training groups such as parent/child training. Making an exception for the parent will NOT automatically carry the exception over to the child training. You will need to enter exceptions at the child level.
Exceptions for Individuals
When training requirements are assigned by job title, by department, or for all employees, you may select individual employees who are not required to complete the training. For these employees, the training will not be required, even if it is required for their job title, their department, or for all employees.
To exempt employees from a training requirement, follow these steps
Exceptions for Job Titles
When training requirements are assigned by individual, by department, or for all employees, you may select individual job titles that are not required to complete the training. For employees with these job titles, either as a primary job title or an additional job title, the training will not be required, even if it is required for their department or for all employees. This works the same as the feature described above, except you will be selecting job titles instead of individuals.
To exempt job titles from a training requirement, follow these steps
Exceptions for Departments
When training requirements are assigned by individual, by job title, or for all employees, you may select individual departments that are not required to complete the training. For employees assigned to these departments, the training will not be required, even if it is required for their job title or for all employees. This works the same as the feature described above, except you will be selecting departments instead of individuals.
To exempt a department from a training requirement, follow these steps
Limit Requirement by Hire Date Range
You may limit a training requirement to only those employees hired within a specified date range. You may also use this feature if a training will no longer be required for new employees, or if it is only required for new employees.
If you enter a date range here, then the training will only show as required for employees who are required by job, department, or individual, AND were hired within the date range. If you want to require the training for ALL employees hired within the date range, you also need to select "Required for all employees".
a start date and end date are required. Leave both fields blank to require the
training for all employees
regardless of hire date.
Note: If the training is no longer required, you may set the status to "inactive" instead of using the date range. If a training is "inactive", you will retain the historical data, but the training will no longer be included in reports, with the exception of the History report.
To limit training requirements by hire date range, follow these steps: